Showing posts with label Bachillerato 1st. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bachillerato 1st. Show all posts

Sunday 8 May 2016

Wish clauses

Wish y if only pueden usarse de la misma forma. If only con frecuencia se usa para dar más énfasis al deseo o lamento.
Wish + would / Could + Verb

Normalmente hace referencia al
Queja sobre el presente o deseo de cambio.
- I wish he could be here tomorrow.
- I wish she wouldn’t drive so fast.
- I wish it would stop raining.
Wish + past simple
Lamento sobre una situación presente.
- I wish I knew her phone number. (I’m sorry I don’t know her number)
- I wish Peter were / was here now. (Both forms are possible)
Wish + past perfect
Lamento sobre una situación pasada.
-I wish I hadn’t spent all my money.
(I’m sorry I spent all my money)
- If only I hadn’t eaten so much cake.
(I really feel ill because I ate too much cake.)

And some exercises:

Wednesday 6 April 2016

Relative clauses

We use relative clauses to give additional information about something without starting another sentence. By combining sentences with a relative clause, your text becomes more fluent and you can avoid repeating certain words.

How to Form Relative Clauses Level 2

Imagine, a girl is talking to Tom. You want to know who she is and ask a friend whether he knows her. You could say:
A girl is talking to Tom. Do you know the girl?
That sounds rather complicated, doesn't it? It would be easier with a relative clause: you put both pieces of information into one sentence. Start with the most important thing  – you want to know who the girl is.
Do you know the girl …
As your friend cannot know which girl you are talking about, you need to put in the additional information  – the girl is talking to Tom. Use „the girl“ only in the first part of the sentence, in the second part replace it with the relative pronoun (for people, use the relative pronoun „who“). So the final sentence is:
Do you know the girl who is talking to Tom?

Relative Pronouns Level 2

relative pronounuseexample
whosubject or object pronoun for peopleI told you about the woman wholives next door.
whichsubject or object pronoun for animals and thingsDo you see the cat which is lying on the roof?
whichreferring to a whole sentenceHe couldn’t read which surprised me.
whosepossession for people animals and thingsDo you know the boy whosemother is a nurse?
whomobject pronoun for people, especially in non-defining relative clauses (in defining relative clauses we colloquially prefer who)I was invited by the professor whom I met at the conference.
thatsubject or object pronoun for people, animals and things in defining relative clauses (who or which are also possible)I don’t like the table that stands in the kitchen.

Subject Pronoun or Object Pronoun? Level 2

Subject and object pronouns cannot be distinguished by their forms - who, which, that are used for subject and object pronouns. You can, however, distinguish them as follows:
If the relative pronoun is followed by a verb, the relative pronoun is a subject pronoun. Subject pronouns must always be used.
the apple which is lying on the table
If the relative pronoun is not followed by a verb (but by a noun or pronoun), the relative pronoun is an object pronoun. Object pronouns can be dropped in defining relative clauses, which are then called Contact Clauses.
the apple (which) George lay on the table

Relative Adverbs Level 3

A relative adverb can be used instead of a relative pronoun plus preposition. This often makes the sentence easier to understand.
This is the shop in which I bought my bike.
→ This is the shop where I bought my bike.
relative adverbmeaninguseexample
whenin/on whichrefers to a time expressionthe day when we met him
wherein/at whichrefers to a placethe place where we met him
whyfor whichrefers to a reasonthe reason why we met him
➡️ How to use them and when they can be omitted:

Relative adverbs

Defining Relative Clauses Level 2

Defining relative clauses (also called identifying relative clauses or restrictive relative clauses) give detailed information defining a general term or expression. Defining relative clauses are not put in commas.
Imagine, Tom is in a room with five girls. One girl is talking to Tom and you ask somebody whether he knows this girl. Here the relative clause defines which of the five girls you mean.
Do you know the girl who is talking to Tom?

Defining relative clauses are often used in definitions.
A seaman is someone who works on a ship.
Object pronouns in defining relative clauses can be dropped. (Sentences with a relative clause without the relative pronoun are called Contact Clauses.)
The boy (who/whom) we met yesterday is very nice.

Non-Defining Relative Clauses Level 4

Non-defining relative clauses (also called non-identifying relative clauses or non-restrictive relative clauses) give additional information on something, but do not define it. Non-defining
relative clauses are put in commas.
Imagine, Tom is in a room with only one girl. The two are talking to each other and you ask somebody whether he knows this girl. Here the relative clause is non-defining because in this situation it is obvious which girl you mean.
Do you know the girl, who is talking to Tom?
Note: In non-defining relative clauses, who/which may not be replaced with that.
Object pronouns in non-defining relative clauses must be used.
Jim, who/whom we met yesterday, is very nice.

How to Shorten Relative Clauses? Level 3

Relative clauses with whowhichthat as subject pronoun can be replaced with a participle. This makes the sentence shorter and easier to understand.
I told you about the woman who lives next door. – I told you about the woman living next door.

Do you see the cat which is lying on the roof? – Do you see the cat lying on the roof?

Monday 15 February 2016

Reported speech exercises

Wednesday 27 January 2016

Past Simple. Irregular verbs with pronunciation

English irregular verbs with pronunciation.

Infinitivo (To)Pasado simple (Simple past)Participio pasado (Past participle)Traducción (Spanish)
Arise Arose Arisen Surgir, levantarse
Awake Awoke Awoken Despertarse
Be Was/Were /Been Ser/estar
Bear Bore Borne/Born /Soportar, dar a luz
Beat Beat Beaten Golpear
Become Became Become Llegar a ser
Begin Began Begun Empezar
Bend Bent Bent Doblar
Bet Bet Bet Apostar
Bind Bound Bound Atar, encuadernar
Bid Bid Bid Pujar
Bite Bit Bitten Morder

Bleed Bled Bled Sangrar
Blow Blew Blown Soplar
Break Broke Broken Romper
Breed Bred Bred Criar
Bring Brought Brought Traer, llevar
Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Radiar
Build Built Built Edificar
Burn Burnt/Burned /Burnt/Burned /Quemar
Burst Burst Burst Reventar
Buy Bought Bought Comprar
Cast Cast Cast Arrojar, emitir

Infinitivo (To)Pasado simple (Simple past)Participio pasado (Past participle)Traducción (Spanish)
Catch Caught Caught Coger
Come Came Come Venir
Cost Cost Cost Costar
Cut Cut Cut Cortar
Choose Chose Chosen Elegir
Cling Clung Clung Agarrarse
Creep Crept Crept Arrastrarse
Deal Dealt Dealt Tratar, negociar
Dig Dug Dug Cavar, excavar
Do Did Done Hacer
¡Aprende inglés con canciones!
Draw Drew Drawn Dibujar
Dream Dreamt/Dreamed /Dreamt/Dreamed /Soñar
Drink Drank Drunk Beber
Drive Drove Driven Conducir
Eat Ate Eaten Comer
Fall Fell Fallen Caer
Feed Fed Fed Alimentar
Feel Felt Felt Sentir
Fight Fought Fought Luchar
Find Found Found Encontrar
Flee Fled Fled Huir
Fly Flew Flown Volar
Forbid Forbade Forbidden Prohibir
Forget Forgot Forgotten Olvidar
Forgive Forgave Forgiven Perdonar
Infinitivo (To)Pasado simple (Simple past)Participio pasado (Past participle)Traducción (Spanish)
Freeze Froze Frozen Helar
Get Got Got/Gotten /Obtener, lograr
Give Gave Given Dar
Go Went Gone Ir
Grow Grew Grown Crecer
Grind Ground Ground Moler
Hang Hung Hung Colgar
Have Had Had Haber o Tener
Hear Heard Heard Oir
Hide Hid Hidden Esconder, ocultar
Hit Hit Hit Golpear
Hold Held Held Sujetar, agarrar
Hurt Hurt Hurt Herir
Keep Kept Kept Conservar, mantener
Know Knew Known Saber, conocer
Kneel Knelt Knelt Arrodillarse
Knit Knit Knit Hacer punto
Lay Laid Laid Poner, tender
Lead Led Led Liderar, conducir
Lean Leant Leant Apoyarse
Leap Leapt Leapt Brincar
Learn Learnt/Learned /Learnt/Learned /Aprender
Leave Left Left Dejar, abandonar
Lend Lent Lent Prestar
Let Let Let Permitir
Infinitivo (To)Pasado simple (Simple past)Participio pasado (Past participle)Traducción (Spanish)
Lie Lay Lain Echarse
Light Lit Lit Encender
Lose Lost Lost Perder
Make Made Made Hacer, fabricar
Mean Meant Meant Significar
Meet Met Met Encontrarse (con)
Mistake Mistook Mistaken Equivocar(se)
Overcome Overcame Overcome Vencer
Pay Paid Paid Pagar
Put Put Put Poner
Read Read Read Leer
Ride Rode Ridden Montar
Ring Rang Rung llamar, timbrar
Rise Rose Risen Levantarse
Run Ran Run Correr
Say Said Said Decir
See Saw Seen Ver
Sell Sold Sold Vender
Send Sent Sent Enviar
Set Set Set Poner, colocar
Sew Sewed Sewed/Sewn /Coser
Shake Shook Shaken Sacudir, agitar
Shear Shore Shorn Esquilar
Shine Shone Shone Brillar
Infinitivo (To)Pasado simple (Simple past)Participio pasado (Past participle)Traducción (Spanish)
Shoot Shot Shot Disparar
Show Showed Shown Mostrar
Shrink Shrank Shrunk Encogerse
Shut Shut Shut Cerrar
Sink Sank Sunk Hundir, sumirse
Sit Sat Sat Sentarse
Sleep Slept Slept Dormir
Slide Slid Slid Resbalar
Smell Smelt Smelt Oler
Sow Sowed Sowed/Sown Sembrar
Speak Spoke Spoken Hablar
Speed Sped Sped Acelerar
Spell Spelt Spelt Deletrear
Spend Spent Spent Gastar
Spill Spilt/Spilled Spilt/Spilled Derramar
Spin Spun Spun Hilar
Spit Spat Spat Escupir
Split Split Split Partir, rajar
Spoil Spoilt/Spoiled Spoilt/Spoiled Estropear
Spread Spread Spread Extender
Spring Sprang Sprung Saltar
Stand Stood Stood Estar de pie
Steal Stole Stolen Robar
Stick Stuck Stuck Pegar, engomar
Sting Stung Stung Picar, punzar
Stink Stank/Stunk Stunk Apestar
Infinitivo (To)Pasado simple (Simple past)Participio pasado (Past participle)Traducción (Spanish)
Stride Strode Stridden Dar zancadas
Strike Struck Struck Golpear
Swear Swore Sworn Jurar
Sweat Sweat Sweat Sudar
Sweep Swept Swept Barrer
Swell Swelled Swollen Hinchar
Swim Swam Swum Nadar
Swing Swung Swung Columpiarse
Take Took Taken Coger
Teach Taught Taught Enseñar
Tear Tore Torn Rasgar
Tell Told Told Decir, contar
Think Thought Thought Pensar
Throw Threw Thrown Arrojar, tirar
Thrust Thrust Thrust Introducir
Thread Trod Trodden Pisar, hollar
Understand Understood Understood Entender
Undergo Underwent Undergone sufrir
Undertake Undertook Undertaken Emprender
Wake Woke Woken Despertarse
Wear Wore Worn Llevar puesto
Weave Wove Woven Tejer
Wet Wet Wet Mojar
Win Won Won Ganar
Wind Wound Wound Enrrollar
Withdraw Withdrew Withdrawn Retirar(se)
Wring Wrung Wrung torcer
Write Wrote Written Escribir