Showing posts with label Bachillerato 2nd. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bachillerato 2nd. Show all posts

Tuesday 26 May 2020

Consejos para el examen de selectividad

Aquí os dejo un enlace a uno de mis vídeos con consejillos para selectividad.

🍀Good Luck 🍀 and May the Force be with you! 💪🏻

Sunday 12 April 2020

Tercer trimestre. Semana 13-26 abril

Vamos con la tarea, los archivos los tenéis todos en el Classroom. ES PARA DOS SEMANAS.


En estas semanas nos vamos a dedicar a repasar en profundidad los temas vistos en clase. Las tareas serán para dos semanas. El objetivo es que repasemos bien y que lo que nos falte que dar, el año que viene se verá. Es fundamental que os toméis el repaso en serio, ya que nos permitirá avanzar con paso firme en 2 de bachillerato. Os incluyo dos archivos que están en Classroom. Uno es de los ejercicios de gramática y formación de palabras que hay que hacer, el otro es la gramática para que la repaséis por si vuestros apuntes de clase no eran muy buenos.

Os pondré una nota por hacer los ejercicios y al final de cada periodo de dos semanas, haremos un test online que ya os diré cómo va más adelante.

Si copiáis u os pasáis los ejercicios unos a otros, vosotros sabréis pero en el test online no sabréis hacer nada. Prefiero que entreguéis lo que podáis pero hecho por vosotros. La selectividad del curso próximo no es ninguna tontería, así que tomadlo como oportunidad para aprender bien las cosas.

Por favor, descargad los archivos en vuestro ordenador (cuando los descarguéis se pondrán en formato correcto) y entregadlos de dos maneras:

Ej 1.....A) Respuesta
            B) Respuesta

o bien en el mismo archivo, escribís en los huecos y me lo enviáis de nuevo por esta vía o por email.

Haced foto de los ejercicios solo si no podéis de las otras dos maneras por algún motivo, pero por favor, FOTOS CLARAS Y LETRA MÁS, O NO LOS CORRIJO. Os dejo una guía para hacer buenas fotos también en Classroom.

Cualquier duda, por classroom o por email.
Un saludo y adelante!


En este tema vamos a ver los modales y las redacciones tipo for/against. Tenéis que hacer varias cosas:

Para estudiar los verbos modales, os dejo dos enlaces a dos vídeos de Youtube. Son los siguientes:

En estos vídeos os explico TODA la gramática del tema. Os pongo en Classroom además  las fotos de la explicación de gramática del libro, para que podáis elegir la que mejor os venga para estudiarlos, así como un archivo word con la gramática también.

Una vez que estudiéis los modales y modales perfectos, HACED LOS EJERCICIOS DE LAS PÁGINAS 70 Y 71. LOS QUE ESTÁN TACHADOS NO SE HACEN. ¿Cuáles son los tachados? En Classroom tenéis las imágenes.

Una vez hechos, enviadme, desde hoy mismo hasta el día 26 de abril, los ejercicios hechos a mi correo. DOS OPCIONES:
- En formato word, poniendo: ej 1. A) answer
     B) answer etc.
-En vuestro mismo libro si no podéis en la opción anterior. En ese caso, por favor, LA FOTO CLARA Y LA LETRA MÁS, O NO LOS CORRIJO.

Cuando terminemos los modales, y si lo necesitáis, ved otro vídeo sobre las redacciones tipo For / Against.

Tendréis que hacer una redacción sobre el tema: Advantages and disadvantages of videogames
                                                                              Pros and Cons of social network sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram...


EXTRA: Ejercicios de Phrasal Verbs de la página 68. ESTOS EJERCICIOS NO SON OBLIGATORIOS. Para repasarlos podéis echarle un vistazo a este Quizzlet:

Puede parecer mucho, pero esta tarea es para DOS SEMANAS, y la podéis entregar en cualquier momento de esas dos semanas.

Tened en cuenta que aquí lo importante es APRENDER para que selectividad salga bien. Si copiáis, los únicos perjudicados sois vosotros.

Al final de estas dos semanas, os lanzaré un test online sobre verbos modales del que os daré cuenta más adelante.

RESUMEN: Estudiar verbos modales y ejercicios de las páginas 70 y 71
                    Redacción (una) de For and Against de las dos propuestas
                    Extra: ejercicios de phrasal verbs de la página 68.

Os incluyo además una guía para hacer buenas fotos, también en Classroom. Y todas las fotos de las páginas de los ejercicios y la gramática. Cualquier duda, al correo, classroom....

Mucho buen ánimo y al lío.


In this unit you have to prepare a presentation (short video of around 3-5 minutes), powerpoint, genially etc., talking about health and giving tips for a healthy life. You can also watch the following video to get ideas about the presentation:

How will I punctuate it? It will have 100 points. 30 will go to the presentation (original, creative, funny, useful....); 40 will go to the content (grammatically correct, ideas well organised....) 20 points will go for including health related vocabulary. And the final 10 points if it is presented on time. You have the vocabulary of the unit included.

You HAVE 2 WEEKS FOR DOING IT. Problems, ideas, technical issues, via Google Classroom or email. Take care!

Saturday 28 March 2020

Tarea semana 30 marzo - 3 abril

Hi there! This week is the one before our Easter Holidays, so our task is this:

1- Look out for a song you like (in English)

2- Add it to this playlist:

(So, if you are in 2C, please add it to your class’ list.)

3 - Send me the lyrics (to my mail, via classroom) of the song.

4 Send me a mail telling me briefly what the song is about.
No wikipedia, please. Your own words!!!!! 
You can also tell me peculiar things about the song. For example: Dancing Queen by Abba was first played in the wedding of Gustav Albert and Silvia of Sweden.

There are thousand of songs. Let's look for new ones, positive ones or ones you love for a special reason. (Tell me).

Here is my song for 2 bachillerato: It is about a young woman looking out for love and having great expectations. Dancing Queen, Abba

Here is my song for 1 bachillerato: It is about a woman who "survives" after a not very happy relationship. Gloria Gaynor, I will survive.

Monday 23 March 2020

Segunda semana COVID 23-28 marzo

Buenos días. Vamos con la segunda semana. Como ya hemos acabado el segundo trimestre, esta semana será más ligera.
A continuación os dejo un enlace de un vídeo de un profesor americano en España, Amerizano, para que os riáis un rato y seamos conscientes de la cantidad de anglicismos que usamos en español.

Vamos por cursos:
Para 1º de Bachillerato os dejo a continuación el enlace. ¿Qué  hay que hacer? Hay tres archivos. Uno es un audio que tendréis que escuchar en casa para hacer el ejercicio de la primera hoja. Lo podéis escuchar tantas veces como queráis. El texto es sobre "Earth Day" El segundo archivo es el ejercicio de Earth Day. El tercer archivo es un documento de word con dos imágenes y unas preguntas que tendréis que hacer para comparar las dos imágenes que os pongo.

RESUMIENDO: ANTES DE LAS 23:59 DEL VIERNES 28  tendréis que entregar EN UN MISMO CORREO ELECTRÓNICO dos cosas: el ejercicio sobre Earth Day (en word, por favor, y con el nombre visible en alguna parte del texto) y un vídeo de no más de tres minutos comparando esas dos fotos y respondiendo a las preguntas que se os plantean. SON DOS ACTIVIDADES. Por favor, dejad claro en los correos también quienes sois puesto que a veces tenemos nombres repetidos o las direcciones son y por supuesto no sé quién es el guapo. 😎 Si no  puedo por email, ¿puedo enviar el vídeo por instagram? SÍ, pero avisadme. 👆

Todos los correos a

El enlace de descarga: 1 Bachillerato Semana 23-28 marzo


Para 2º de Bachillerato: Tenéis dos archivos. Uno es un examen tipo selectividad. El otro es EL MISMO DOCUMENTO que os entregué en clase recopilando el USE OF ENGLISH de selectividad. Los que ya lo teníais no hace falta volver a descargarlo. Lo he puesto para los que faltaron a clase y no lo tenían.

Antes del viernes a las 23:59 tendréis que entregar SOLO EL EXAMEN DE SELECTIVIDAD. Como veréis, tiene dos opciones de redacción. SÓLO HAY QUE HACER UNA DE LAS DOS REDACCIONES. El otro documento es para hacerlo en casa. LO CORREGIREMOS CUANDO VOLVAMOS. Hay algunas preguntas que aún no hemos dado. La hacéis como veáis, igual que os digo para selectividad. NO SE DEJA NADA EN BLANCO. 👽
El examen de selectividad, por favor, en formato WORD al correo  😏

El enlace de descarga: 2 Bachillerato semana 23-28 marzo.

 #Istayhome  #yomequedoencasa

Monday 16 March 2020


Para los que no tenéis el Classroom, os dejo por aquí los ejercicios de esta semana.

Estos ejercicios junto con los del libro de lectura (cada clase el que tenga) se entregarán a la vuelta o por email en cualquier momento durante estas dos semanas.

¡¡¡Mucho ánimo!!!

Repaso semana 16-20 marzo

Tuesday 4 February 2020

Jobs and job positions

There are a lot of abbreviations for top leadership positions that contain the words “Chief and Officer” in the title. It may be confusing to keep the players straight. It may help to explain that a corporate officer holds a management-level position, such as a President, Vice President, or General Manager. Other common positions include:
·         CEO – Chief Executive Officer – This person is the highest ranking corporate officer.  They are the head of management for an organization.  They report to the board of directors. They make high-level decisions about policy and strategy.  The people that report to the CEO include:  The CBDO (Chief Business Development Officer), CFO (Chief Financial Officer), COO (Chief Operating Officer), CMO (Chief Marketing Officer), CIO (Chief Information Officer), CCO (Chief Communications Officer), CLO (Chief Legal Officer), CTO (Chief Technology Officer), CRO (Chief Risk Officer), CCO (Chief Creative Officer), CCO (Chief Compliance Officer), CAE (Chief Audit Executive), CDO (Chief Diversity Officer), and CHRO (Chief Human Resources Officer).  Steve Jobs was an example of a top CEO.  To find out more about these other chief officer positions, click hereCheck out:  The Best Performing CEO’s in the World.
·         COO – Chief Operating Officer – This person is responsible for the day to day operations or an organization.  Not all companies have one.  In 2006 more than 60 percent of Fortune 500 companies did not have a COO.  This person may also be called the company’s President.  This person could be thought of as the second in command behind the Chairman or CEO.  An example of a top COO is:  Tim Cook was the COO for Apple before replacing Steve Jobs as CEO. Check out: List of Famous Chief Operating Officers.
·         CFO – Chief Financial Officer – This person manages the corporation’s financial risk.  They deal with data analysis, financial planning and record keeping.  Although they report to the CEO, they may also sit on the board of directors.  Peter Oppenheimer is Apple’s CFO.  Check out:  Bonus Babies . . . The Best Paid CFO’s.
·         CMO – Chief Marketing Officer – This person is the head of sales, product development and all things marketing-related.  The CMO can report to either the CEO or COO. Their job is to obtain growth through sales and marketing.  The CMO has become more commonly discussed in recent years.  Check out:  The Chief Marketing Officer . . . A new Boardroom Role.
·         CIO – Chief Information Officer – This person is the head of information technology.  They may report to the CEO, CFO or COO.  They must create strategic goals to increase information accessibility and manage integrated systems.  The CIO and CTO roles are often confused.  Check out:  What is the Difference Between CIO and CTO.
There may be other chief officers’ positions in other industries as well.  For example in hospitals there could be a CMO (Chief Medical Officer), a CNO (Chief Nursing Officer) and a CMIO (Chief Medical Informatics Officer).

Crazy Jobs Around The World You Won’t Believe Actually Exist
As kids, we've always been asked this question and our mad-cap answers answers have made our parents smile. But little did they know that most of what we said were actually full-fledged professions (there's even a job where you have to sleep).
Here's a list of 21 such crazy jobs across the globe that you will not believe exist:

1. Professional Pusher
Japan is indeed a hardworking nation. It makes sure that all its people reach work on time and that's why Japan has employed people to push others onto trains so that nobody's late for work. I love this country!

2. Rental Boyfriend
In Tokyo, if you have the money, finding a boyfriend is as easy as it gets. I don't really know what all the boyfriend will do, but it sure sounds fun. I'll be shifting to Tokyo the day the Japanese come up with the concept of 'Rental Girlfriends'.

3. Professional Stand-In-Liner
As long as there are queues in the world, Narabiyas (Japanese for stand-in-liners) will never be out of fashion. These freelancers will happily wait in long queues for you as long as you pay them some money.

4. Professional Sleeper
My first reaction when I came across this job was... Wow! You actually get paid to... Sleep! Professional Sleepers doze off while scientists conduct research on sleep disorders. This has to be undoubtedly the most comfortable job on the planet.

5. Wedding Guest
This is a part-time job in Japan where people double up as wedding guests. Don't believe me? Here's an ad. Ask a Japanese friend to translate and you'll know. Apart from the money, they also get free food.

6. Vomit Cleaner
Some roller coasters dip, rise and turn at such crazy angles that your breakfast is bound to come out the wrong way. Amusement park owners knew this fact and thus this job came into being.
Q. Why would anyone do this job? A. Free rides.

7. Deodorant Tester
You have a habit of poking your nose into other people's business. Well, these people poke their noses into other people's armpits to test the odour-fighting powers of deodorants. Now that's what you call a stinking job.

8. Water Slide Tester
All play and no work makes Jack a dull boy. Not in this case, because Jack's work involves a lot of playing in water. Water Slide Testers have to check all aspects of safety and make sure these rides are absolutely safe. There's always medical insurance for those who break a bone or two.

9. Paper Towel Sniffer
Paper towel manufacturers leave no stone unturned (loosely translated to leave no roll unsniffed) in ensuring that their rolls don't smell foul before, during and after use. How do they check for any unwanted smell after use? Gross!
10. Chicken Sexer
Sure, there are chics involved, but still there's nothing sexy about this job. A chicken sexer's job is to identify the gender of a baby chicken. That's about it.
11. Professional Cuddler
If you happen to be in Japan and are missing your girlfriend, just shell out some cash and you get to cuddle and sleep next to a Japanese woman. Just cuddle, mind you.

12. Pet Food Taster
Whoever came up with this job must be a true-blue animal lover or someone who likes to chew weird-tasting food. Do animals and humans have similar taste buds?
13. Professional Mourner
You'll need these mourners if nobody gave a damn about you when you were alive. It's sad that you won't be able to see them mourn for you because you'd be in the coffin.
14. Cuidacarro
You'll meet a cuidacarro when you park your car in Costa Rica. His job isn't as complicated as it sounds. All a cuidacarro does is watch your car when you are gone so that nobody steals it (unless he himself has taken a fancy to it).

15. Furniture Tester
As long as the furniture's not made of cactus, this job's pretty cool. You have to sit, wriggle and sleep on the furniture to asses its comfort. This job is so cool that it's weird.

16. Wrinkle Chaser
The name says it all. Wrinkle chasers make sure there are no creases on shoes when they are whisked out of the factory. Yeah, I said that right - shoes . How else do you think those high-heels look so classy?

21. Bicycle Fishers
Amsterdam is the most bicycle friendly capital city of the world. It's no surprise then that a lot of these two-wheelers end up in one of the canals, thus giving rise to another profession - the bicycle fisher. Each year Amsterdam fishes out around 14,000 rusty bikes from its waterways.

Saturday 16 November 2019

Wuthering Heights video

Check out this short video on the book and 1992 film

My reflections:
  • give a reason for your choice of video.
This is one of my favourite books and we are also working on it in my 2nd bach class, so it could be a good idea to watch a short cllip.

  • explain briefly the learning objectives for the session(s) and sequence of activities


- Revision of the story.

As it is aimed at 2nd bachillerato, we will have a: 

-Reflection on what had happened before and predicting what will happen after the clip
- Explanation about the characters: explain if their mental image of the characters coincides or not with the ones on the film

  • explain if you flipped your class (or any part of it) and how, if so, this has helped you achieve the learning objectives.
I did not flip the class because in Bach we only have 3 hours per week

  • highlight the high points of the experience: what went well and what did you and the students particularly enjoy about the task
The prediction of the characters went well, the questions about the video were easy for them.
The main difficulty was to understand every single bit, so we played the clip with subtltles later on. My intention was for them to concentrate on the important parts rather than in understanding everything.

  • suggest ways of improving next time
Let them watch or choose the video from the film, dedicate more time to the reading in class.

Friday 11 October 2019

Compound adjectives

Compound Adjectives

A compound adjective is sometimes called a hyphenated adjective. What are they?
Let's look at the following sentences:
  • I saw a man-eating alligator.
  • I saw a man eating alligator.
The first sentence contains a compound adjective.
The second sentence doesn't.
However the meaning of the two sentences are very different as can be seen in the picture below:
I saw a man-eating alligator.
We are describing the alligator. What type of alligator is it? It is one that eats men (or people).
I saw a man eating alligator. 
This sentence without the hyphen sounds like a man is eating an alligator. 
(man is the subject, eating is the verb, alligator is the object or thing that is being eaten).
As you can see, the hyphen (or lack of it) makes a big difference in the meaning of the sentence.
Before we explain in more detail why we put that hyphen between those two words in the first sentence, we need to do a quick review of Adjectives.

Compound adjectives

A compound adjective is an adjective that contains two or more words.
In general we put a hyphen between two or more words (before a noun) when we want them to act as a single idea (adjective) that describes something.
  • I live in an English-speaking country.
English-speaking is an adjective (used to describe the country). We use a hyphen to connect the wordEnglish with speaking to show that it is one adjective (or one idea).
This adjective with two words joined by the hyphen is called a compound adjective.
Some more examples of compound adjectives are:
  • Our office is in a twenty-storey building.
  • I have just finished reading a 300-page book.
  • He is a well-known writer.
There are many types of Compound Adjectives. Here is a list of the most common types:

Compound Adjectives + Periods of Time

When he have compound adjectives using numbers + a time period, that word referring to a time period is in singular form and is joined to the number with a hyphen.
  • I work eight hours every day --> I work an eight-hour day
  • I'm going on vacation for three weeks --> I have a three-week vacation
  • There was a delay of 5 seconds --> There was a five-second delay
Notice how we normally write the number as a word, not in numerical form.

Adverb + Past Participle

However when we have an Adverb + past participle, we put a hyphen between the two words to make it a compound adjective.
  • This is a brightly-lit room.
  • She is a well-known actress.
  • We live in a densely-populated city.

Noun + Past Participle

When we have a noun + past participle, we put a hyphen between the two words to make it a compound adjective.
  • We should start using wind-powered generators to cut costs.
  • I love eating sun-dried raisins.

Noun + Present Participle

When we have a noun + present participle, we put a hyphen between the two words to make it a compound adjective.
  • I bought some mouth-watering strawberries.
  • That was a record-breaking jump.

Noun + Adjective

When we have a noun + adjective, we put a hyphen between the two words to make it a compound adjective.
  • She is a world-famous singer.
  • This is a smoke-free restaurant.

Adjective + Noun

When we have an adjective + noun, we put a hyphen between the two words to make it a compound adjective.
  • It was a last-minute decision.
  • We watched the full-length version of the movie.

Adjective + Past Participle

When we have an adjective + past participle, we put a hyphen between the two words to make it a compound adjective.
  • That is an old-fashioned dress
  • Reptiles are cold-blooded creatures.

Adjective + Present Participle

When we have an adjective + present participle, we put a hyphen between the two words to make it a compound adjective.
  • She is a good-looking girl.
  • It left a long-lasting taste in my mouth.

Compound Adjectives with Proper Nouns

A proper noun is the name of something or someone (e.g. John, Susan Sanders).
Compound Adjectives made from Proper nouns don't need a hyphen though must have capital letters.
  • I bought the James Jackson tickets for us.
James Jackson is a compound adjective describing the tickets (What type of tickets? James Jackson tickets). Since the adjective is a Proper noun, we don't need a hyphen between the two names.

How do we know when to put a hyphen?

If you can use the word “and” between the two adjectives or words, then a hyphen isn't necessary.
  • She has a big blue book.
(Big and Blue are adjectives)
Can we say: She has a big and blue book. (Yes, it is possible)
  • He is a world famous singer
Can we say: He is a world and famous singer. No, it doesn't sound correct so we need a hyphen to join the words world and famous.
Also, look at the following:
  • It's an old coal-mining town
Notice how we didn't put a hyphen between the word old and coal. If we had have done that, we would have been referring to old coal, as in coal that is old. We want to emphasis that the town in old and not the coal.
Here we can say it is old and a coal-mining one.

Adverbs and Compound Adjectives

Adverbs modify a verb.
  • She walks slowly.
How does she walk? Slowly. Slowly is an adverb that modifies (or describes) the verb.
Adverbs can also be used to modify an adjective.
  • It is very hot today. (Very is an adverb)
  • She is extremely intelligent. (Extremely is an adverb)
Notice how we do not put a hyphen between an adverb and an adjective (not even before a noun).
  • It is a very hot day.
  • She is an extremely intelligent girl.