Curso ICT Tools

Final activity.
I loved Tatiana Clavero’s Blog and ideas, so we decided to do another Edpuzzle taking into account the way our senior students talk.
Here are the results. Hope you like them!

Edpuzzle final task by everybody by Sara by Ángela and Celia by the Cristinas

An activity with Genially

You will have to create a presentation using Genially. For that, follow these links to get help.
The presentation should be about any aspect related to the environment.
Ask for help if you need any.

Click to see our genially about recycling

Genially tutorial

Web de ayuda para crear un Genially

Stages to do a Genially in class
  • Present a plan which shows clearly the staging of the activities that the students used to prepare the project (e.g. Stage 1. Choose topic and establish groups; 2) choose modality of Genially…)
1. First, we were dealing with the issue of environment and environmental problems so they decided to to a genially on how to recycle better.
2. The small groups looked on a suitable source of information, and they decided on an article each. As we don’t always have access to the computer room, they finally reached an agreement and decided to do something about recycling. 
3, For that, they were investigating on the different templates, as they did not have any previous experience on Genially and they chose a quiz. We also watched a tutorial which I uploaded on the blog.
4. Again in the small groups, they chose one question each (they are 20 students organised in 5 groups of 4 people). They also had to search for images and the way to write them for the quiz.
5. Then, one representative of each group was chosen as a spokesperson because they had to decide on common things such as the background, the same way to answer the questions, etc,

6. Finally, the representatives did the presentation while the rest of the groups decided on how to present it orally. Each group had to talk about why was everything chosen and how they reached agreements.
7. Last but not least, the spokespeople did the presentation in class and decided that every person in every group should go to other groups of the ESO and Bachillerato students to introduce their presentation,
  • Comment on how decisions were taken as to the grouping of students and timings of the process.
The decisions all had to be made within the groups and quite quickly, as we only had two hours in this particular subject to do it. There was a timer set on the computer and although it was quite stressful, they also learnt to organise their time better.

  • A sample of any additional materials you used (handouts, project planners etc.)

They also downloaded the best images they found. Some were from Genially, some were from the web, trying to choose free images.
  • Links to the projects realised by your students (you can choose the best ones to upload)

  • Video, Audio and/or photos of the presentations.
There was no video. Only the photographs seen in the presentation.
  • Lastly, do not forget to reflect on how the use of the tool has optimised your students’ learning experience and has helped you achieve the objectives. Would you change anything?
They were not aware of this type of interactive presentations with Genially and they quickly loved the idea of doing something with it. Again, as in the other activities in this course, the limited use of computers we have makes everything a little harder.

Check out this short video on the book and 1992 film

My reflections:
  • give a reason for your choice of video.
This is one of my favourite books and we are also working on it in my 2nd bach class, so it could be a good idea to watch a short cllip.

  • explain briefly the learning objectives for the session(s) and sequence of activities


- Revision of the story.

As it is aimed at 2nd bachillerato, we will have a: 

-Reflection on what had happened before and predicting what will happen after the clip
- Explanation about the characters: explain if their mental image of the characters coincides or not with the ones on the film

  • explain if you flipped your class (or any part of it) and how, if so, this has helped you achieve the learning objectives.
I did not flip the class because in Bach we only have 3 hours per week

  • highlight the high points of the experience: what went well and what did you and the students particularly enjoy about the task
The prediction of the characters went well, the questions about the video were easy for them.

The main difficulty was to understand every single bit, so we played the clip with subtltles later on. My intention was for them to concentrate on the important parts rather than in understanding everything.

  • suggest ways of improving next time

Let them watch or choose the video from the film, dedicate more time to the reading in class.

We did this comic in a subject called “Inglés práctico”. There are 19 students and we only had one computer to access the internet, as all the ICT classrooms were full.
●     How did you organise the groups?
We had 4 groups of five people. 
●    What was the sequence of tasks that you followed to get to the final product?
First, we watched a tutorial on how to create a comic with Pixton. Then, all of them decided on the subject we were going to talk about. As we are studying environmental issues, such a comic was the chosen one

Then, we organized the groups. One group wrote the script, which we decided was going to be simple because we wanted to use it to be shown to ESO students. Then, another group decided on the characters, their physical appearance, their clothing, the setting... Another group began creating the comic on the computer with the assistance of the other groups and the last team checked if there were mistakes or if anything should be added.
●     What were the specific learning objectives for this activity? How did the use of the tool help the learners achieve these objectives? Please be specific and give concrete examples.

-Reflect on the use of simple vocabulary to achieve a complex task: as the comic is for ESO students, they had to choose appropriate vocabulary
-Decide in groups what was going to be used: This took quite a long time, as they had to agree on the setting, the characters and the sentences used.
-Revise vocabulary related to recycling and the environment. They revise words such as reuse, revise, recycle etc.
●     In what ways (be specific) was creativity and the use of imagination encouraged in your students?

They had read many comics but never done one, so this was an opportunity to do some thinking about the way to do it.
●      What did your students enjoy most / least about this activity?

The technical part was hard as we only had one computer. They enjoyed creating the comic strip
●     What would you change next time?

We have two lessons per week, so I would dedicate two more apart from the two hours we used.
●      How were the finished projects shared with the rest of the class?

I sent them via Google Classroom
  • ·         What opportunities were there for students to co-evaluate and discuss the learning experience with each other?

They reflected on the finished product by watching it on screen and giving their opinion as to what things to change and which were good the way they chose them.,

Some of the timelines of my students:

  • The learning objectives of the activity:
The objectives were: to raise awareness of the 19th century literature

To learn about the lives of the Brontë sisters

My reflections on reading.

I have been a very active reader from a very early age. First comics, then books, were something always present at home, and one of my favourite moments was when my grandfather bought a comic. It was sometimes even a problem, as I did not like eating that much and I used the time at the table to eat, which was always a reason to argue. I usually hid the books on my lap and read as much as I could.
Now things have changed and I don’t always find the time to read at my own pace, as there always seems to be something more urgent to do. I read mostly novels, or books related to teaching, most of them bought by myself or lent to me by friends who recommend them. I prefer the silence, but that is not an impediment in my case.
As for ebooks, they’re not for me. I find it stressful to be connecting the device, download them... The smell of a new book or a bookshop is something unique.
However, I have found a new way of reading in Twitter. I enjoy the reflections of other people and I follow many writers there. Their opinions and ideas are very useful!

In the images, except for the students, everybody seems to be reading for pleasure. I particularly like the one where the man is on top of the ladder reading the newspaper. Comfort is not a problem there! I also fancy the granny reading. This should be done more frequently, as it is something I cherish from my old age and hope to pass on to my children.
Thanks for reading!


  1. I am glad I am not the only one who does not enjoy ebooks! I agree with you at the image of the woman reading to her grandson: I thought it was tender and something that should be more common to see.
    Your comment about Twitter is interesting. I don't have an account though, but sounds useful. Thank you!

    1. Thanks for your comment! We have several things in common!

  2. Hey! You are the second participant who mentions 'twitter' as a source for good reading. Worth having a look at that for our lessons ;)

    1. Our students are very fond of social networks such as Twitter of Instagram. They can also be a source of good materials for us!
