Showing posts with label edpuzzle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label edpuzzle. Show all posts

Saturday 16 November 2019

Wuthering Heights video

Check out this short video on the book and 1992 film

My reflections:
  • give a reason for your choice of video.
This is one of my favourite books and we are also working on it in my 2nd bach class, so it could be a good idea to watch a short cllip.

  • explain briefly the learning objectives for the session(s) and sequence of activities


- Revision of the story.

As it is aimed at 2nd bachillerato, we will have a: 

-Reflection on what had happened before and predicting what will happen after the clip
- Explanation about the characters: explain if their mental image of the characters coincides or not with the ones on the film

  • explain if you flipped your class (or any part of it) and how, if so, this has helped you achieve the learning objectives.
I did not flip the class because in Bach we only have 3 hours per week

  • highlight the high points of the experience: what went well and what did you and the students particularly enjoy about the task
The prediction of the characters went well, the questions about the video were easy for them.
The main difficulty was to understand every single bit, so we played the clip with subtltles later on. My intention was for them to concentrate on the important parts rather than in understanding everything.

  • suggest ways of improving next time
Let them watch or choose the video from the film, dedicate more time to the reading in class.